Our “Please Bug Me” List
Have you ever had one of those annoying things that you really need to do but you keep putting it off? I know I do! LOTS of them! And do you know what I really appreciate? Reminders to get them done. Can they be annoying? Yes… but they are also useful! They help force me to cross that cumbersome task off my to-do list and move on to the next thing life throws at me. And can I say? The serotonin boosts my brain gets when that dreaded task is DONE is AMAZING! It’s like the wonderful feeling of sitting down in a clean house after working all day on it. (I HATE housecleaning- I am not one of those people who clean to relax!)
We at The Shore Lawyer have discovered that tackling the dreaded task of sorting out one’s estate plan is high on the list of things people do not actually want to do. It’s full of depressing and challenging things that are so much easier to ignore than to complete. Yet, it is more important than almost everything else on your “I need to do but I don’t want to” list. If you don’t clean out that messy closet and something happens to you tomorrow, someone else will clean it out, and it won’t take more than just some time. But failure to get your legal affairs in order? THAT can be a nightmare! And it can be REALLY expensive… a lot more expensive and costly (in terms of not just money, but peace of mind for those who matter most to you).
Because of that, we have lovingly dubbed our “leads pipeline” here at The Shore Lawyer our “Please Bug Me” list. I ran into an acquaintance at the blood bank while I was donating blood this week, and as soon as I walked in, she said “Ugh! As soon as I saw you, I remembered that I need to do my will! I still haven’t done it yet!” My response: “Would you like me to start bugging you, so you don’t forget?” She said- “Oh yes, please!”
Today, I called a friend who reached out to me three weeks ago telling me she needed to update her plan. When I talked to her today, she said “Oh Rachel, we have been SO busy! But please text me- once every two weeks, until we get it on your calendar.” Can I tell you- I get it!! I am the QUEEN of putting things off! But in this new role I am serving, I am learning that part of my job is to be that annoying bug in your ear that keeps reminding you of something very important that is not done yet. I don’t do it to get on your nerves- Lord only knows I do not want to be someone that you dread hearing from! But I do it because I care about you- and I care about your needs and getting them met. This is the service I offer right now- in this space- in life. And I do it not because I need to make money (which I do), but because THIS is the thing that I feel called to help people with.
Truth be told, I could hang up my law degree on a dusty old shelf and call it a day and throw my entire life into selling travel and have a BLAST, and probably make more money doing it. But for whatever reason, the Lord has laid on my heart a passion to help people in THIS area, and while planning vacations is a joy and in my opinion a necessity to get the most value out of this life we have been given, it does not compare to the importance of the SMALL amount of time it takes to invest into making sure our affairs are in order. And if the thought depresses you to get your affairs in order? I do joint meetings to plan a vacation while we’re at it- so signup for my “travel before you die” meeting instead and get a vacation on the books AND your estate plan in order! Haha!
For right now- if you are one of those people I can help, click THIS LINK and get added to our “please bug me” list. You set the intervals of time we reach out, and how we reach out. And it is okay that it is not today that you have the actual meeting, but taking this step to make sure you set up the meeting soon and it stays forefront in your mind?
It’s a step! And one worth celebrating! I look forward to helping you make one of the best decisions for your future and your loved ones.