Rachel Blevins Harris
Juris Doctor, Law | Regent University School of Law
BA, Political Science | Salisbury University
❖ Estate & Probate Law
❖ Criminal Defense Law
❖ Traffic Tickets & Moving Violations
With over 15 years of legal experience, Rachel Harris is dedicated to making legal complexity easier and more personal for folks in our Lower Shore community. She is committed to bringing simplicity and peace to life's uncertainties.
Rachel boasts a variety of legal experience over her fifteen year career serving her community as a lawyer. She has served as a judicial law clerk (courtroom procedure), an assistant county attorney (government work), an assistant State's attorney (prosecution), a panel public defender (criminal defense) and an administrative lawyer with Maryland Legal Aid (public benefits issues). She has also worked with debt collection and landlord tenant issues.
She is well connected within the legal communities of the Lower eastern shore and has maintained an excellent reputation among her peers and clients.